Yeezy 350 zebra size tag
Yeezy 350 zebra size tag

yeezy 350 zebra size tag

You can spot the difference better by touching them, to feel the material, but the photos are helpful as well. The laces are thicker in the authentic and in a different position, meanwhile in the replica are not. A small difference can be noticed in the top and the back shape of the shoe. The Writing is bigger and thicker in the authentic yeezy and in a better quality, but in the fake it is smaller and thinner. The sole of the real shoe looks straight, whereas the fake one is a bit wavy. When you look at the pictures below, you easily can spot the differences in the sole of each Yeezy. To be sure you are paying for authentic Yeezy and not fake lets start reading the tips below. If you are not lucky enough to get them immediately at the site, different resellers will sell them with higher price. The price for Yeezy zebra if you get them online at Adidas website, which is very difficult because they are very limited, is $220. After this article I will help you with different Yeezy models and their differences between the real and replica so you will not buy fake sneakers for the real ones. So let’s start with some tips you need to know before buying your favorite Yeezy. It is very difficult to notice the difference between a real and a fake Yeezy shoe these days as the replicas are getting more and more like the authentic one.

#Yeezy 350 zebra size tag how to#

As many of you are Yeezy lovers, I will show you how to spot the fake adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Zebra.

Yeezy 350 zebra size tag